Learn about VenaSeal™: The New Non-Surgical Treatment for Varicose Veins

Learn about VenaSeal™: The New Non-Surgical Treatment for Varicose Veins

Many people consider their varicose veins a cosmetic problem. But the bumpy road map of veins on your legs may affect more than your appearance. And wearing long pants 365 days a year, even during hot and humid summer months, may not be the best long-term solution for your varicose veins.

At Advanced Vascular Solutions in Sebastian, Florida, we specialize in vein conditions like varicose veins. Dr. Hadi Shalhoub and our team offer many solutions to get rid of your enlarged veins and improve your look and health, including VenaSeal™. Here, we explain all about this minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins.

Your varicose veins

If you have varicose veins, you have vein damage. 

Your veins are lined with tiny valves that open and close to help push blood back to your heart and lungs for reoxygenation. If these valves fail to close because of damage to the valve or wall of the vein, blood flows backward and pools. Your varicose veins are the visible areas of that pooling blood.

Varicose veins may not be a serious health concern, but they can cause leg pain, aching, or iching. Your damaged veins may also be a sign of chronic venous insufficiency, which means your leg veins are unable to support blood flow back to your heart.

Whether your varicose veins cause problems or not, it’s not a health condition you should ignore. With the right treatment, we can improve the look and health of your legs. 

About VenaSeal™ 

VenaSeal™ is an innovative nonsurgical treatment for varicose veins. It uses a special medical adhesive that closes off the diseased vein. Your body then reroutes blood flow through healthier veins, and your varicose veins fade away over time.

The treatment causes very little pain or bruising, and you can expect a faster recovery than with other varicose vein treatments like radiofrequency ablation or a phlebectomy, which is the surgical removal of the damaged vein. 

There’s also no need to wear compression stockings following the VenaSeal™ procedure.

How VenaSeal™ works

We perform the VenaSeal™ procedure at the office. We place a special catheter in the diseased vein and administer the medical adhesive and apply pressure to the area to help seal the vein, We then remove the catheter and cover the injection site with a bandage.

We use ultrasound-guided imaging for our VenaSeal™ treatments, which helps ensure accurate placement of the medical adhesive. 

Is VenaSeal™ right for you?

When you come in looking for treatment options for your varicose veins, we conduct a thorough exam to determine the right treatment for you. VenaSeal™ may be right for you if your varicose veins cause:

If you have these symptoms, we conduct venous ultrasounds to assess circulation in your veins before making any specific treatment recommendations. 

Say goodbye to your bulging veins without surgery or downtime. Find out if VenaSeal™ is right for you by calling our office or clicking the “Book online” button to schedule a consultation today.

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