
Advanced Vascular Solutions

General Surgeons & General Surgeons located in Sebastian, FL & Melbourne, FL

What is Varithena?

Varithena polidocanol injectable foam 1% is an FDA-approved prescription medicine used to treat varicose veins caused by problems with the great saphenous vein (GSV) and other related veins in the leg’s GSV system. Varithena improves symptoms related to or caused by varicose veins, and the appearance of varicose veins.

How does Varithena work?
  • The physician administers a small amount of Varithena.
  • The microfoam fills and treats the desired section of the vein.
  • The diseased vein collapses and the foam is diluted in the bloodstream and flushed out.
How is blood flow affected?

When the malfunctioning vein collapses, blood flow shifts to healthier veins nearby.

What is treatment like?

Treatment with Varithena is minimally invasive and nonsurgical (no incisions required). Other kinds of varicose vein therapies may require many needle sticks. But with Varithena, treatment is usually just one or two needle sticks and is nearly painless. Patients reporting pain at the injection or application site in clinical trials was 4.0%.1

How fast is the treatment?

It usually takes less than an hour to get the treatment.

How soon can I get back to my normal activities?

Most people may resume normal activities the same day as treatment. You should avoid heavy exercise for one week. Keep post-treatment bandages dry and in place for 48 hours, and wear compression stockings on the treated leg for two weeks. For a month, you should walk at least 10 minutes a day and avoid long stretches of inactivity.

How many treatments might I need?

Most people only need a single treatment. Additional treatment may be needed, depending on the number and size of veins being treated.

Will my insurance cover treatment?

Varithena is covered by most Medicare and insurance plans, including UnitedHealthcare® (UHC), Healt