Blog Archive
Slow- and non-healing wounds are a huge threat to your overall health. Left unchecked, your wound can lead to infection, tissue death, swelling, disfigurement, loss of function, and in the most severe cases, sepsis. Fortunately, our wound care specialists at Advanced Vascular Solutions are standing by to ensure your wound...
The worst health problems develop under the radar, like an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). That’s why our team of experts at Advanced Vascular Solutions is taking a deep dive into this lesser-known and oft-overlooked yet incredibly aggressive threat to your health. Here’s your ultimate guide covering what to look for...
It’s hard to exercise and not feel even a little bit of discomfort. However, when post-exercise pain can indicate an underlying health problem, you must be able to distinguish between benign aches and serious symptoms. At Advanced Vascular Solutions, we take leg pain very seriously, so we’re dedicating this blog...
Your heart is an incredibly powerful muscle, but it can’t pump blood efficiently on its own. That’s why the vessels in your legs are equipped with valves that open and close with each heartbeat to help push blood against the force of gravity back to your heart. Unfortunately, those valves...
If you smoke, you need to know about peripheral artery disease (PAD). It occurs when the arteries outside your heart and brain narrow, reducing blood flow to your limbs, particularly your legs. If left unchecked, PAD can lead to severe complications like amputation or even death, so understanding the connection...
You’re tired of those bumpy blue tracks on your legs and are ready to do something about them. The question is: Can radiofrequency (RF) ablation eliminate them for good? Yes and no. To help you understand that cryptic answer, Dr. Hadi Shalhoub at Advanced Vascular Solutions explains the ins and...
Ultrasound is one of the safest and most sophisticated diagnostic tools available, but if you’ve never had one before, we understand if you have some questions. We never want our patients to feel out of the loop with their care. In this blog, our team of board-certified vascular surgery experts...
Leg swelling (also known as peripheral edema) occurs when something disrupts the fluid balance in your cells, causing fluid to accumulate in your tissue. The force of gravity pulls the excess fluid into your extremities, namely your feet, hands, and legs. The cause may be simple. Many experience swollen legs...
Spider veins are small, discolored veins that creep across the surface of your skin and face. Most consider them a cosmetic annoyance and do their best to cover them up or get rid of them. But we understand if your concerns go beyond the surface level. Many of our patients...
Whether you’ve just now started to notice visible veins or you’ve been living with them for years, you’re in the right place. Spider and varicose veins can be both a physical and cosmetic pain, but our team at Advanced Vascular Solutions has everything you need to restore your skin’s health...
If your heart is your body's engine, your blood vessels are the turbines that power it. Your cardiovascular system pumps a whopping 2,000 gallons of blood daily — and the vessels in your legs are among the hardest workers. They have to pump blood against the force of gravity, helped...
You’ve probably gotten a few dozen hangnails in your life and never thought twice about them. But now that you have diabetes, you shouldn’t shirk nail problems so quickly. Our team at Advanced Vascular Solutions has seen firsthand how a seemingly simple problem like a hangnail can become a major...
When your once-clear skin starts to sport blue and purple zigzags, it’s reasonable to have some concerns. You feel fine, but you can’t help wondering if you have a dangerous underlying condition that’s caused your veins to become visible. The good news is that spider veins are easy to diagnose...
If you’ve ever taken a road trip, you know how long a few hundred miles can drag on. What if we told you that upwards of 60,000 miles of blood vessels are inside your body? It might be hard to believe how complicated your circulatory system is, but it’s necessary...
Your cardiovascular system isn’t just one muscle; it’s an incredibly complicated network of blood vessels (large and very, very small) that travel all over your body, all powered by your heart. Your heart runs on pure muscle strength and an electrical system called the cardiac conduction system to pump blood...
Many things can keep you from staying active, but peripheral arterial disease (PAD) shouldn't be one of them. It's true that many with PAD experience cramping, weakness, swelling, and even flat-out pain, and that may make you think twice about lacing up your tennies. However, exercise with PAD isn't only...
No one goes through life without some health risk. Even the healthiest among us can have a family tree riddled with disease. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely discovered that you identify with one or more of the risk factors for chronic vein insufficiency — and you’ve also made a very...
Some lose weight to fit in their old jeans; some are trying to look their best for a vacation. Neither of those are wrong goals, but if you’re reading this, you have something else on your mind. There’s a direct link between being overweight and chronic pain, and most often,...
At the end of the day, your heart is a muscle, and every muscle needs activity — even (and sometimes especially) when it’s weak. You might think that heart disease counts you out of an active life, but regular physical activity can actually reduce your risk of dying from heart...
Years ago, the doctor who fixed your broken arm also drained fluid from a pneumatic lung and prescribed eyeglasses. Today, over 120 medical specialties exist, including everything from abdominal imaging radiology to vascular surgery. Surprisingly, the United States was one of the last countries to realize that each part of...
Far too many underestimate the power of diet changes when it comes to vascular health, so our team at Advanced Vascular Solutions is here to highlight the connection between what you eat and how your heart beats — and to give you a few pointers on how to make better choices. Why does it...
It's bad enough dealing with bulging, twisted, rope-like veins, but being one of the few who has leg pain on top of it can be too much to handle. Rather than throw in the towel and resign yourself to a life of covering up your symptoms, turn to our experts at Advanced Vascular Solutions. We...
Having radiofrequency ablation for a vascular condition is a crucial step toward improving your health and well-being. While recovery can be a journey, the results of this procedure are often worth it. So, what can you expect after radiofrequency ablation? Here, our team of experts at Advanced Vascular Solutions gives...
A non-healing wound — whether from trauma, surgery, or an underlying health condition — is an open door for countless threats to enter your body and wreak havoc. But closing that door and caring for your wound takes more than just a bandage; it takes careful evaluation and treatment from our experts at Advanced Vascular...
Having an aneurysm is frightening in and of itself — not knowing when to get help can add no small amount of confusion to your fear. Our team of experts at Advanced Vascular Solutions in Sebastian, Florida, doesn't want you to feel like you’re on your own, especially when it comes to living...
You can try to cover them up with makeup and clothing, but if we’re honest, a life spent masking spider veins isn’t sustainable. And it shouldn’t have to be. Spider veins are a common problem and one with a simple solution, but all too often people decide to simply accept...
If you’re like most, you might think that there’s nothing to be done about your swollen, painful legs. Treatments are either ineffective or require painful, invasive procedures. That’s not the case with radiofrequency ablation. Here, our team of specialists at Advanced Vascular Solutions in Sebastian, Florida walks you through exactly what to expect from radiofrequency...
Every day, human beings engage in activities that can cause physical harm. Even something as simple as slicing a banana could lead to a cut that requires stitches. How do you know if a wound requires a doctor's attention or not? The team of experts at Advanced Vascular Solutions in Sebastian, Florida describes the...
When your smooth, healthy skin starts to sport gnarly, knotted varicose veins, it’s normal to wonder if your health is in danger. Wonder no more. Here, our team of specialists at Advanced Vascular Solutions tells you exactly what you need to know about this common vein problem and when you should be concerned. What...
Just below the surface of your skin is a powerful system of veins and arteries working round the clock to keep blood circulating all over your body. Fortunately, this happens without us realizing it. That is, until varicose veins show up. Here, our team of specialists at Advanced Vascular Solutions...
You’ve likely heard someone say, “time heals all wounds.” It’s a nice thought, but it’s not always true. Some wounds can linger for weeks, sometimes months. Some won’t heal at all unless a medical professional steps in. Nearly 7 million people in the United States live with one of these chronic wounds,...
Do spider veins have you seeing red, purple, and blue? We know how frustrating it can be dealing with both the cosmetic and physical symptoms of spider veins. That’s why our team at Advanced Vascular Solutions makes your vein health a priority. Here’s everything you should know about where your spider veins come from and how we treat...
Peripheral artery disease or PAD is a fairly common, but serious medical condition that can happen as you age, and can ultimately result in a stroke or heart attack. In fact, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health if you suffer from PAD you are 6-7 times more likely...
Ultrasounds are one of the safest, least invasive imaging tools. It’s so safe that ultrasound testing is the preferred imaging tool for women during pregnancy. Health professionals use ultrasounds to evaluate many parts of the body, including the blood vessels. At Advanced Vascular Solutions in Sebastian, Florida, our vascular expert, Dr. Hadi Shalhoub, performs...
You rely on your legs to stand, walk, and climb stairs. Leg pain of any kind can affect your ability to get around. And if your pain is chronic, it may change how you live and work. Like many people, you may consider your discomfort an unfortunate side effect of...
More than 6 million adults in the United States have arterial disease, also known as peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Living with PAD increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. If you have leg pain, you may have arterial disease. However, arterial disease may occur without causing symptoms,...
When you have a cut, scrape, wound, or sore, your body directs healing efforts almost immediately to repair the wound. How quickly a wound heals depends on the size and depth of the cut or injury. Small wounds heal faster than large wounds. However, some people have underlying health issues...
Of course you may notice leg pain following an intense leg workout. But if you have leg pain and it’s been months or years since you’ve engaged in strenuous exercise, there may be something else going on. Leg pain is a common symptom of vascular conditions that affect circulation in...
Like many people, you may consider the cluster of red, blue, or purple veins that look like spider webs on your skin a cosmetic nuisance — an unfortunate side effect of aging or pregnancy that you need to cover up with clothing or makeup. But spider veins could be more...
About 35% of people in the United States have varicose veins. Not everyone with these large, bulging leg veins has pain. However, if your varicose veins itch, burn, or cause leg pain, it may be a sign of an underlying circulation problem. At Advanced Vascular Solutions, we specialize in vascular...
Many people consider their varicose veins a cosmetic problem. But the bumpy road map of veins on your legs may affect more than your appearance. And wearing long pants 365 days a year, even during hot and humid summer months, may not be the best long-term solution for your varicose...
When you think of clogged arteries, you might automatically think of heart disease. But the buildup of plaque along blood vessel walls — known as atherosclerosis — can affect any artery in your body. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is narrowing or blockage in the peripheral arteries, which are the blood...
Your veins are the blood vessels that carry blood back to your heart and lungs. They have tiny valves that help push your blood against gravity, supporting efficient circulation. However, weakness in the valves in your veins can allow your blood to flow backward or pool in a section of...